Monday, December 27, 2010



We are not alone! There, just beyond our perception, exist many levels of reality. We are just one small grain of sand among grains that are never ending and timeless. I am a firm believer in God, but the doctrine preached (or interpreted) does not fit my inclinations. I believe that God is infinite and that all creation is as well. Why would he stop with us when there is so much more He can do—more than we could ever conceive of.

When Albert Einstein died, they discovered on his desk, a theory he was working on—the theory of everything. Somehow, from this, physicists came up with a theory they called ‘string theory’. The idea was that instead of being made up of tiny particles, everything in the universe was made of tiny connecting strings. With the tiny particle theory, physicists could not mathematically work backwards to the Big Bang. With the string theory though, they could.

That is where they ran into a brick wall. Everything is based on precise mathematics, according to physicists, so in theory, they should have been able to continue to work through the ‘Big Bang’. They still believed the ‘string’ theory to be correct, but needed to rethink, and rework their theories.

The breakthrough finally came when they realized that we live in not three dimensions, but eleven. It was a long process. First, they thought we were in five dimensions, then ten, then finally eleven. All of this was based on time and space—the space that surrounds us. With three dimensions, you have up and down, left and right, and forward and backward. They added time, and the spaces that surround everything we see—our bodies, celestial bodies, the space that surrounds objects—everything. Their mathematics did not work until they discovered the eleventh dimension.

The next problem, or discovery, was that, though string theory took them so far with eleven dimensions, it no longer worked. That is when they came up with the ‘M’ theory, or membrane theory. Our universe sits on, or exists in a large membrane, and according to their calculations, there are an infinite number of these varied shaped membranes floating around each other in their own universes.

The idea of the Big Bang is that two of these universes (membranes) collided with one another, and caused the Big Bang that created a new membrane, our universe. According to physicists, this happens continuously, so we have an infinite number of universes surrounding us. These universes are different shapes and sizes. Some have life and others do not, but because they are infinite in number, the odds are very high that our opposite universe exists many times over, or what they call ‘parallel universes’.

This means that there could exist a universe with another earth, with another you. The history of that world and your life would be different, depending on many things—but it is possible. Perhaps, Great Britain won the war against the colonist, or Hitler succeeded in his terror and madness. Perhaps you are rich instead of poor, or poor instead of rich—who knows.

By the way, none of this would have been possible without ‘Quantum Physics’, rather than just ‘Physics’ itself. Quantum physics was born, more or less, because paranormal activity challenged physics, as we knew it. Paranormal activity defied the laws of physics.

The so-called supernatural or paranormal is not theoretical, but instead empirical; empirical because it can be measured, photographed, video taped, touched, heard, and seen with our own eyes. Spirits or ghosts give off electromagnetic fields that can be detected, and disembodied voices that can be heard, not only with the human ear, but also electronically.

What bugs me are religious fanatics that refuse to look at the science involved. They take the bible out of text and tell us anything paranormal is evil, but of course, according to the fanatics, dinosaurs did not exist, and the earth has only been around for ten thousand years or so. Just check out your local Baptist church, and you will see what I mean.

The bible is filled with wonderful metaphors that enlighten us with truth and wisdom—to take it too literally, is dangerous and ignorant. One good example of that are the wars we are involved with, and every other war that has ever been fought—human beings dying in the name of religion; and the ultimate weapon is ignorance.

The church wields its ignorance like a sword. They attack parapsychology (the study of the mind, or soul, after it leaves the body) as if it were a mythological dragon trying to destroy all humankind. It is this kind of thinking that drags us back into the dark ages. I subscribe to new age thinking. Let us not fear what we do not understand, but instead, face it head-on. Let us continue to move forward and keep discovering the wonders of life and our existence beyond. Let the bible and new age thinking walk hand in hand, not become stagnant and rot where it lies.

Remember, life is a wisp, a puff of smoke—we only borrowed this dust.

Dutch Kuttner.

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